Opening and Welcome
By Uffe Savery, Claus Skjold Larsen, Niels Rosing-Schow and Pernille Skov for the arts educations conference 2022.
Åbning af konferencen Kunstuddannelserne og fremtidens kulturliv. Velkomst ved Pernille Skov (CAKI), åbningstaler af Uffe Savery (rektor Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium), Claus Skjold Larsen (rektor Syddansk Musikkonservatorium og forperson for KUR) og Niels Rosing-Schow (pro-rektor ved Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium indtil juni 2022 og leder af konferencekomiteen).
Konferencens værter var de syv videregående kunstneriske uddannelser under Kulturministeriet. Konferencen blev holdt den 29. oktober 2022 på Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatorium.
Opening of the conference The Arts Educations and Cultural Life of the Future, with welcome by Pernille Skov (CAKI), and opening speeches by Uffe Savery (Principal at The Royal Danish Academy of Music), Claus Skjold Larsen, (Principal at Danish National Academy of Music and Head of KUR) and Niels Rosing-Schow (Vice principal at The Royal Danish Academy of Music until June 2022 and Head of the conference committee).
The conference was hosted by the seven arts educations under the Ministry of Culture. The conference was held the 29th of October at the Royal Danish Academy of Music.
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